
What are the benefits of microrganism in Agriculture?

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which are beneficial becteria for plants




  1. ribosomal bacteria, nitrogen-fixing or dnitrifying

  2. There are literally thousands of beneficial bacteria in agriculture.  I'm going to list a few examples, but there hundreds more that could be listed.  Keeping a healthy soil in agriculture means maintaining a healthy environment for bacteria.

    Spraying potatoes in commercial storage bins with harmless, beneficial bacteria that delay sprouting and suppress dry rot may also protect the tubers against late blight disease. Researchers had already patented methods for using 18 strains of Pseudomonas.

    Beneficial bacteria help thwart apple disease

    Instead of chemical fumigants, beneficial bacteria may be called on to fight fungi that cause replant disease, so-named because it strikes young apple trees planted in old orchards.

    Still another agriculturally important symbiosis is that

    formed between rhizobial bacteria and leguminous plants

    such as beans, peas, clover, soybeans, and alfalfa. In this

    case, the bacteria form their homes within nodules in the

    roots of the legumes, where they fix atmospheric nitrogen,

    yielding organic nitrogenous compounds to be used by

    the plants.

  3. You can find lots of beneficial microrganism in Agriculture, from nitrogenous fixing bacteria, bacteria that mineralized the organic matter of the soil, bacteria that causes deseases to pests such as Bacilus turingiensis...

  4. some nitrogen fixation bacteria make the soil rich in nitrate ion. so there is no need to buy artificial fertilizer

  5. just need points

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