
What are the benefits of plastic bottle recycling and what are the drawbacks of not recycling? pleease help!!!

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i need this for a persuasive speech thanks




  1. To Not recycle in this day and age makes you as pitiful looking as someone who litters.....totally not cool.   The big question is why are you still using plastic bottles, use a heavy duty water bottle and some soap and water.  Go Green -- totally cool!

  2. My answer is;

    The benefits of recycling plastic are simple to see and understand;


         Plastic is made from Crude Oil. Which is currently @$140 a barrel or about $2.25 a gallon. So one can easily see that recycling plastic will reduce the need to make more from Crude oil that could be instead made into Fuel.


         Waste, Plastic does not Degrade (recycling itself in a Timely fashion.). And so will need to find space in landfills. meaning that we are Paying for it's Storage until sometime in the very distant future. for something we used for 5 weeks at most?


    Like Philosopher George Carlin once said;

    "Man is only here too give the planet something it didn't have, Plastic.

    And when it has enough. This planet will shake us off like a Bad case of Fleas."

    I hope my answer helps

  3. They can be made into something useful again.

    Take a look along most roads in this country for the drawbacks.

  4. Benefits:

    1) Plastics are made from oils which are a finite resource we are using up.  If reused these materials can avoid other raw materials being used.

    2) It diverts waste from other more polluting disposal options like landfill. It also preserves landfill space for non-recyclable materials.

    3) It can create businesses, jobs and new markets for materials.  There can also be opportunities for disadvantaged members of society.

    4) It can save on waste disposal taxes and if your council runs a scheme, it may fine you for not recycling.

    5) Plastic bottles are light and full of air and therefore can take up a lot of space in landfills, especially if you leave the top on.

    6) There is probably an energy saving element, e.g. reduced transport costs.

    7) It's the right thing to do as a responsible individual.


    1) You are probably directly transferring your environmental liability onto another party and also indirectly impacting everyone on the planet.

    2) If you put plastic into a landfill and it catches fire, highly polluting emissions can result.

    3) If you just leave the bottle as litter that is unsightly and it can harm wildlife.  Beavers drinking fizzy drinks can get tooth decay and cannot cut down trees.

    -OK I made that last bit up.

  5. The average person uses about 3- 2ltr bottles a week, thats approximately 156 a year..Or figure that they use 14-22oz water bottles a week..thats 728 bottles they toss ayear..Multiply that times the number of people in your town,,1500,2500,7000,10,000,50,000 or more if your in a big city...A small town of 1500 people would put into a landfill approximately 234,000 2 ltr soda bottles or/plus 1,092,000 water bottles (16-24oz)..

      If everyone recycles this would eliminate a waste that is not bio-degrateable from the landfills..How difficult is it to put your empty water or soda bottle in a recycle container??

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