
What are the benefits of praying five times a day?

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why is the islam so complicated. Why should i wash myself ? it sucks




  1. No benefit of praying even one time a day.

  2. There are no benefits to praying 5 times a day or washing yourself under the muslim religion. It is a false religion. Washing yourself will do no good to cleanse sins because, without Jesus Christ, we cannot get rid of our sins. He was God incarnate and He and His righteousness are the only things sufficient enough to do the job.

    The Quran talks about Jesus, His virgin birth, I think it even calls Him the Son of the Most High God, or something like that. The false Quran could not get rid of the history of Jesus, it is the most well documented events in ancient history. It could only distort His significance into a lie and make salvation something that you can earn. You cannot earn it, you need Jesus's righteousness.


  3. It would be much better if they prayed

    500 times a day, that way they'd be

    too busy praying to get up to any mischief  

  4. Religion is retarded!

  5. we don't pray for benefits. we pray for others. for self it is not prayer, it is begging. praying once or five times or more doesn't count, the motive and object counts.

  6. I pray ye..what the heck is this question doing in a biology forum ?

  7. it is depend on yourself some one when face to problem wants to get help from another ,and it is easy when you have big problem you want help from powerful guy ,but when you have bad cancer who can help u .nobody even best doctor in world ,you need grasp some thing to help you .who is is god .and if you want god help u in difficult situation  better you have friendship with him ,god told to muslem pray 5 time and you obey my rules and i support you

    but it is on your blief .

    if u love some one you do every thing who wants you do it .if u like god you do his ruls and pray 5 time

    and in biology benefits if you pray you should move your body and it is lose your wight lol

  8. I don't think most people really understand the point of prayer.  If there is a god, do you really think it either already doesn't know what's going on in your mind or have better things to do?

    Prayer is a way for people to take time to reflect on things in their lives and verbalize their concerns, ideas, hopes, etc.  Taking the time to do this can help you figure out what you should be doing to solve problems or improve your life or the world around you.  

    I personally don't pray, but I talk to myself (out loud) in the car on my ride to and from work.  It serves the same function.

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