
What are the benefits of swimming and diving?

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What are the benefits of swimming and diving?




  1. Well... we just got a pool a couple of months ago.

    My butt is starting to look fabulous from all the swimming.... back and shoulders aren't suffering either.      :)

  2. Great excersice plus you could always be a lifeguard [=

  3. You are taking weight off of your legs and feet while you work out.

    Just be careful with your back while diving - I injured a disc about 20 years ago diving off a diving board, and every once in a while, it gives me problems!

  4. keeps u fit!!!

  5. I'm on my schools Varsity Swim/Dive team. You get very broad shoulders, good upper body strength, & very mucscular legs. You are also in very good shape because swimming is a full body work-out so you are very toned.

    the down side is that you start to look lik an upside down triangle, broad shoulders and little legs. lol :)

  6. You get stronger muscles and keep fit. it works your muscles and your whole body, thats why its so good to swim.


  7. every parts of body becomes fresh and it is not only good for health but the best exercise for health

  8. Excellent cardiovascular condition. Keeps you healthy on top of being an excellent form of discipline.

  9. Try diving after the pool has been drained and then tell me what benefits you have! Medical benefits that is!

  10. enjoyment & exersize

  11. Helps your muscles and cardiovascular system

  12. Occasionally people accidentally hit their heads on the bottom of the pool and that helps them remember stuff they've forgotten or misplaced, like where their car keys are or where the TV remote control is.

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