
What are the benefits of weight training directly after a rugby match?

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What are the benefits of weight training directly after a rugby match?




  1. It lets your mates know you haven't been trying that hard and stops you spending a lot of money in the club bar.  You a girl or a fat boy?

  2. i would guess none, you need to cool down and rest the body

  3. If you have the energy to go weight training after playing 80 minutes of Rugby, you aren't playing hard enough.

  4. You would actually be hurting your self, and you would actually see your strength DECLINE over time.

  5. As a rugby player myself I see no logical reason to do this. If you are doing it to stop your muscles tightening or cramping up its far better to just wind down gently with some light jogging and maybe a few exercises then have a cold bath to cool down, soothe your body and bring out any bruising.

    If you continue to put stress and strain on your already tired muscles you stand a very good chance of injuring yourself badly.

  6. there is no benefit of weight training straight after a game. your mucsles should be far to sore plus you should be rehydrating. A ice bath then hot shower and a rub down is what you should do.Leave the weights till monday.

  7. It will hurt but you can increase the muscle strength working in fatique it is like what boxers do before a fight to minimise body fat. You will be more lean but would not be recommended all the time

  8. If you have got the strength to go weight training after a rugby match you aren't playing hard enough on the field

  9. None? as your body has expended alot of energy within the 80minutes of play! try doing it 2-3hrs after which means your muscles are still active and dont need to be warmed up completely again.

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