
What are the benefits on your daily lives of having a home intercom?

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What are the benefits on your daily lives of having a home intercom?




  1. We have had one for over 20 years.  To be honest, we never used it at all.  You can play music through out your house, but you can never find a station that everyone wants to listen to.  If the kids are upstairs and want to tell us something, they would just yell it down, instead of taking the time to push the button on the intercom.

    Should we ever move to a new house, it will not have an intercom system.  

    The only thing that they were good for, was to set up a baby monitoring in the baby's room.  However, you can purchase monitor systems for a few dollars and home intercom's are pretty expensive.  I give them a thumbs down.

  2. -one point: you can't call/shout or knock the door where your mom and dad are both inside their private room (can you guess what i want to say here?) just 3 rings & no answer, then have it in your mind what they are doing already. lol.

    -shouting to a person (brod/sis) next door to you can disturb the others esp if they are studying.

    -if the other party is listening to a loud music, a tendency that he/she won't hear your call.

    -if you have a visitor and want to serve something, you can ask your helper by ringing her intercom # (cookies and coffee served w/o standing to get it by yourself)

    -house with upstairs and downstairs or basement, would you like to shout out loud where the heck they are?

    -if the phone rings and you are not in the main device place, you can pick up the phone where you are right now. you don't need to run and pick the phone coz sometimes when you reach up, the ring had stopped already.

    *at any rate, there a lot of good reasons to have it and can benefit of having it. but it's up to you if you really want or not. no big deal.

  3. if you want you can talk to anyone in thehouse where they are andwhere you are, but asidefrom that  i do not know of any real true featurs, most people i know that have one got it withtheir house and never use it

  4. I grew up with one and my new house has one. I can talk to whoever is at the door without having to open it, so one it is good for security. Two, when someone is in the basement, I don’t have to go down there to tell them the phone is for them. When someone is sick you can monitor the room so they don’t have to yell when they need something. Mine has stereo too so I can listen to music. They are many advantages to having an intercom system.

  5. The intercom system we have is through our phones. It would be more useful if there were frequent times that the family was seperated doing work on thier own. Then we'd know where they are and could talk with them privately from across the house, with out having to completly stop what we're doing, or take the time to get up and look for the other perosn we're trying to speak with

  6. We can have an intercom system using our phones, but have never had to use them.

    What we do use regularly is our two way radios which are fantastic if one of us is outside in the garden or in the workshop.

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