
What are the benefits/responsibilities of being crowned a Native American Princess?

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so...if you are a Native American who is crowned a "Princess" at a're NOT a "Native American Princess?" I'm really confused(8(




  1. you get your land stolen

  2. Assuming you mean a Pow Wow Princess (because there is no such thing as a 'Native American Princess'), some of the benefits are you get to travel to different pow wows across the nation and represent the tribe/group/powwow you won your crown from (at your own expense, of course).  You will probably do a fair bit of ambassador type stuff ala Miss America.  You know, go to schools and talk, ride in parades, etc.  At the end of your reign, about 1 year, you will have a give-away to thank all of the people for their support over the previous year.  All of these things are both benefits and responsibilities that are part of the fun of being Pow Wow Royalty.

  3. I am Native American.The only "Princess" statuses are if you are elected one at a Pow Wow(which means you are a fine dancer who knows native traditions very well and are quite active in the tribal community) or won a contest quite like a beauty pa gent,but the focus is also on social activism,education,native traditions.

    The woman must be socially active,showcasing concerns of her nation(tribe),pursuing study of native traditions...

    And as to that old,naive,ill-informed notion that daughters of chieves are princesses,ha! Not so.Many men in my family have held the office of chief,including my great-grandfather,and none of the daughters were  "princesses."A woman may hold the office of chief,but there are no "princesses" of that kind. Girls and women may enter contests in the vein of Miss America,and vie for scholarships,but that is the extent of that award.

  4. There is no such thing as a Native American princess.

    The only princess that has anything to do with Native Americans would be at a Pow Wow..


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