
What are the benefits we can get in organic farming?

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What are the benefits we can get in organic farming?




  1. There are many benefits to enlist few of them:

    1. can develop good eco-system

    2. Improve soil health

    3. Positive effect on environment

    4. Organic food tastes great

    5. Have increased keeping quality

    6. Healthier food

    7. Decreases input cost

    8. One can get good rate for organic produce

  2. I feel a big benefit is getting the ecosystem healthy again.

    Heck here it is june and we have yet to see one honey bee.

    We have noticed ants and another type of bee pollinating are flowers instead of honey bee's, sad.

    The "Organic" in stores do you know the government has a standard for "organic farming" and it does not have to be 100% organic? But they sure do jack that price up $$$.

  3. Not many, really. Organic farming is less efficient then other farming methods. This is why organic foods are more expensive then other foods. And if you're looking for a reason that the price of grains is increasing so much on the international markets, a good one is the organic and anti-genetic engineering movement.

    People like organic because they have been marketed the idea that it is somehow healthier to eat plants fertilized with cow dung then Dow Chemical dung. Same thing, really, only the Dow Chemical dung is more efficient to transfer and apply.

    In reality the plants don't care whether they are fertilized with cow dung or Dow Chemical dung - they just want the fertilizer. If you were to chemically analyze an organic tomato versus a tomato grown on a commercial farm you would not find any significant differences.

  4. helps the enviroment

  5. Organic may be a sham in some quarters. I saw some organic produce, and there were split carrots among other oddities. The split carrot was the result of rocky soil, not any particular organic culture.

  6. Mass starvation? Perhaps you missed the recent food riots in the news? Organic farming is a scam to bilk the naive out of their money. It is a silly "feel-good" fad, that if expanded in scope would doom millions of people in third world countries.


    That is the only worthwhile reason for going organic. There are dozens of others but this one is the number one benefit we have with organic foods.

  8. more healthy for humans = higher alkalinity level

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