
What are the benefits we get from RAMADAN/?

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in ramadan people become kinder,softer healthier..........................etc




  1. and so much more blessing that we dont even know

  2. Salam my dear friend. The benefits of fasting during ramadan are:

    (1)get blessing from Allah (2)get forgiveness from Allah (3)get protec

    tion of entering the h**l from Allah (4) be wiser (5)be healthier (6)be more discipline (7)be more social feeling (8)be more compliance to the istruction and prohibition of Allah as stated in the Qur'an and Hadits (9)be more patient or sabr (10)be more taqwa and stronger faith and (11)be sinless just like a new born baby etc

  3. *Attaning more Taqwa

    *Acquiring patience and strong will

    *Striving for Ihsaan (righteousness and sincerity) and staying away from riyaa’ (showing off)

    *Refinement of manners

    *Being more charitable

    *Learning discipline

  4. Someone else could answer this question better than me, but ramadan for me is a chance to change. A chance to change my lifestyle, someone that has been involved with wrong kinds of people and doing haraam things (drinking) then i see this as my chance to reform and become more halaal. Ramadan is also a time to remember the hungry in the world hence the fasting, which is why we give zakaat (charity) at the end.

    The character traits of every person who takes ramadan seriously, will inshallah change. For example lying is not allowed, swearing, back chatting etc. Try to be more respectful of everyone around you. Also giving Salaat (prayer/namaaz) is compulsary for your roza (fast) so it helps you get back in to the habit of praying 5 times or as much as you can.

    Also keeps you from fornication with unmarried partners and looking at women in a sexual way (men and women.) It's seriously a wonderful time for muslims if they embrace it properly and do the best they can. i haven't so far so i think after telling you this i'll try harder so thanks for asking this question. u made me think about myself too!

    Inshallah your ramadan changes/improves your life too.

  5. Acquiring more good deeds for Hereafter . It will be easy to go Heaven.

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