
What are the best 10 uses for a banana?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard of some pretty . . . uh . . . interesting uses for them, and I want to hear your favorites. I want to hear your most creative uses, and if you can list all 10, I'll award more stars in the best answer.




  1. 1. banana milkshake

    2. just plain

    3. banana bread

    4.banana and strawberry smoothie

    5.banana in cereal

    6. banana face masks

    7.banana cream pie

    8. chocolate covered bananas

    9.banana muffins edible telephone for kids

  2. 1-Banana bread

    2-banana smoothie

    3-banana milkshake

    4-banana dipped in mascapone cheese and then drenched in dark chocolate

    5-deep fried with ice cream

    6-on toast with nutella

    7-banana pancakes

    8-banana cream and caramel pie

    9-fruit salad

    10-banana rum custard

  3. 1.bannana split

    2.bannana jello

    3.bannana smothie



    6.bannana bread

    7.bannana cake

    8.fruit salad

    9.dip in wip cream and freeze or refridgerate

    10.put it on the side of a drink

  4. eat plain make banana bread put on cereal pt on peanut butter sandwiches put on nutella sandwiches make a smoothie dip in chocolate and freeze fry in a little butter and add cinnamon and sugar make a banana cream pie put inside strawberry jello make a banana split

  5. !. Just eat it as is

    2. banana bread

    3. banana split

    4. banana in cereal

    5. banana milk shake

    6. banana pan cakes

    7. fried bananas are very good

    8. grilled bananas are evn better

    9. banana daquri

    10. peanutbutter and banana sandwitch

    bananas are a good sorce or potasium and energy and are good for a morrning breakfast.

  6. Ha ha ha!  You asked for it:

    1. As a boyfriend, because a banana won't care if you're with more than one banana at once, and it won't complain about you wanting to cuddle.

    2. An edible necktie.

    3. A toy gun for your kid.  Bonus: No real ammo.

    4. A boomerang, because even if it doesn't come back, chances are someone will get to eat it anyway.

    5. A weapon.  Think about it: No one's gonna admit to being injured by a banana.  That's just sissy.  You'll totally get away with it.

    6. A pacifier. Your baby will be happier with a banana in his mouth, rather than a germy piece of rubber.

    7. A bet.  Imagine two bored teenagers.  One says to the other, "I'll bet I can fit more bananas in my mouth than you can!"  The other one says, "You're on!" and not only are they entertained, but they'll probably put it on YouTube so that the rest of us can be entertained by it, too.

    8. An insole.  Why walk on a cloud when you could walk on a banana?

    9. A psychologist, because a banan will never complain about how you "Talk too much" or "Have issues".  You can tell a banana anything.

    10.  If all else fails, just EAT IT.

  7. here is my answer:

    1. eating (duh!)

    2. hand lotion

    3. banana splits

    4. a pet (for lonely people!)

    5. boomarang

    6. a doll

    7. decoration (like, in a bowl!)

    8. a prank (like banana in the shoe! eeew! ^o^)

    9. a gift (for a monkey!)

    10. a weapon( how would YOU like a banana in your eye?)

    those are my best ways for a banana! ^-^ hope you try them out some time! ( NOT as a weapon!!! )

  8. best use by far is making a bananna split on a hot summer day.

    but I can think of a few more um... interesting uses for it too. lol

  9. 1.)Banana Bread: Its great because you can use bananas that have started to bruise.

    2.)Banana Pudding:Yum! super easy

    3.) over 50 recipes.

    4.)Fertilizer:dry banana peels

    5.)Scraped Knees:Rub knees with inside of banana peel

    6.)Houseplant cleaner: Rub leaves with inside of peel.

    7.)Face Mask:mash bananas for a face mask

    8.)Put brown bananas on a raised platform to attract birds, butterflies, and other bugs.

    9.)use as bait when fishing

    10.)Rub a wart with inside of banana peel.

    Have fun with bananas:P LOL

  10. banana bread

    banana's foster

    banana smoothie

    banana milk shake

    sliced on cereal

    eaten whole

    dried as chips

    with peanut butter on a sandwich

    banana pudding with vanilla wafers,,, my favorite

    in jello

    in cup cakes

    frozen on a stick

    had to try just to see what I could recall,,, I was shooting for a baker's dozen,,, curses, foiled again

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