
What are the best Information Technology schools in New Zealand?

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I am at Unitec in Auckland doing a BSc. Is it a good school to prepare one for the IT industry?




  1. Go Otago...

  2. Don't go near Otara, it is a bad and dangerous area of Auckland

  3. It is big. Depends on what you really want to actually do.

    Why not ask someone at Unitec?  Never know they might have an knowledgeable educated answer.

    I suspect the answer you get here will be from sample sizes too small to really stand up to any real assessment.  Everyone knows someone who .... Then most people draw conclusions from one case.  You could try choosing your next employer, then phoning & asking them what they look for & where to get it.

  4. I don't know that.The best one here in Hawkes Bay is the EIT.The other very good one is the Southern School of Technology.Just Google them in.

  5. There is the MIT in Otara

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