
What are the best Musical Theatre courses in Australia?

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I know WAAPA in Perth would probably be considered the best course but how do the Musical Theatre courses in Ballarat and VCA in Melbourne compare? Is one remarkably better than the other?




  1. Sorry,I like all musions. Australia musions&dancing I must like to tham. somgs also buatiful. All are beautfiul in Australia>

  2. My Son went CQ Uni Mackay campus Qld, they seem to have a good record as far as employment is concerned after graduation. Over 90% of the people in my Sons year are employed in the entertainment fields and are doing stage productions world wide.

  3. Hard question to answer, but the reality is that there is a holy trinity for all drama-related training in Australia: NIDA, the VCA, and WAAPA. Beyond these big institutions, you have to be on the ground to be able to answer effectively. Being based in the ACT, I am familiar with the smaller institutions in NSW, and know the following:

    Theatre Nepean, while producing excellent graduates from their acting courses, does not have a specialty in Musical Theatre.

    CSU campuses at Bathurst and Wagga are also producing some fine graduates, but again, no specialty in Musical Theatre.

    The University of Wollongong has a comprehensive all-round course, and would be a fine institution to go to for Musical Theatre training, but again, no specialty.

    The ANU and the University of Canberra have a range of actor training options, but they aren't all that great.

    In Queensland, Griffith University does have an excellent program, are producing excellent graduates, and I *think* they have a Musical Theatre specialty.

    So, my answer is that the best reputations are held by the holy trinity: VCA, WAAPA, NIDA; and if you're looking for a specialty in Musical Theatre, they're your best bet. There's not much between them, but the VCA does have a better reputation in vocal training. There are some smaller institutions, however, that are producing better acting graduates, but you would have to find people to advise you on each specific institution. You could try Facebook groups for this.

  4. When I hear a question of that nature, the temptation is to preach to the asker.    First, however, I will answer your well-phrased question as best as I can.  

      The West Australian course, while it is a good, well administered course of its type, has no real quality that sets it above the VCA course, and I would be tempted to recommend the Victorian course above it. Ballaarat is another course that is hard to fault for what it is!

    'For what it is'...  

      If you were about to study Art, and humbly set about training as a commercial artist, or perhaps began practising with a view to illustrating Phantom Comics, I would be tempted to preach to you.    In brief, I would encourage the Art student to do a 'proper' course in Art,and, if the outcome of that study was only adequate for the student to illustrate advertisements, no 'harm' would have been done.

    Why limit the height one can fly before taking off?    Are you so positive that you are 'mediocre', only 'good enough' for one little part of Music?    What have you to lose if you study the Art of Music from the outset?    Are you so sure that you are not capable of doing something else?

  5. have a look at NIDA

    they have a course that you do at night

    its really good

    my sister is doing it  at the moment

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