
What are the best Political Urban legends of the 21 Century so far?

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Here's what I've got so far.

1. 9/11 was an "inside job" this one has legs despite the fact that it would have been logistically impossible.

2. The "government" blew up the levies around New Orleans and now in Iowa.

3. The Supreme Court "appointed" GWB as President

4. Al Gore actually won in Florida, this despite the fact that every real count of votes proves otherwise

So what are the ones you'e heard that just make you shake your head and laugh?




  1. that Obama is qualified to run this country...  hahahahaha ... oh man,  it's killing me... hahahaha

  2. The biggest one of this campaign season....

    Barrack Hussein Obama is a outright lie

    PS....Al Gore did win the popular vote--not a legend, that is a fact

  3. J Edgar Hoover (former head of the FBI) wore dresses and womens underwear.

  4. One of my favorites is that the government itself decides to send jobs oversees, that is somehow has magical power over a company's board of directors and CEOs and presidents and can decide how that company should run itself.

  5. Global warming and...flippin' carbon credits.

  6. Libs are trying to start one right here about McCain attacking a one-winged bird (as if such a thing could survive in the wild).

  7. Lenin as a Dictator in the book Esquire. There is an Esquire book which has him in the same league as Juan Peron, Idi Amin, and others. The book actually exists just thought it was funny a person opposing Tsarist Russia being listed as a Dictator.

  8. All of our leaders are robots/aliens?

  9. 1. Famed French seer Nostradamus predicted the 9/11 attacks.

    2. Al Gore invented Global Warming

    3. John Kerry really did vote for that Iraq supplemental bill before he voted against it.

  10. I think that most of these urban legends are to.... paranoid for a logical sane person to believe them. However, i do believe Al Gore won the election.

  11. Your complacency is amusing.

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