
What are the best Teething Gel's to use??

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and what else will sooth my baby while teething?




  1. I don't recommend using any teething gels. I tried one when my daughter was first teething and it didn't seem to help any discomfort much. I bought a couple of water-filled teething rings and kept them in the fridge. She liked to chew on them when they were cold. She is now 17 months old and has had more trouble with her molars coming through, so I give her an occasional dose of panadol if she is distressed and seems to be in a lot of pain.  

  2. My daughter is still teething and we have used baby orajel, the orajel swabs, and just regular walmart brand orajel. Honestly, the walmart brand worked the best.

  3. hurricane gel

  4. My cousins, nieces and nephews, and foster siblings all used bonjela teething gel, its great stuff. I also used it when I got braces, and whenever I get an ulcer. Works like a charm, give it a try!

  5. My 5 month old loves a cold, wet washcloth on her gums.

    We also use Baby Orajel, it works in a pinch. I carry it with me everywhere.

    The last couple of nights it has been pretty bad, so I've been giving her baby Motrin as needed.

    She also has a fun way of soothing herself: blowing slobbery raspberries and drool-soaking everything in sight. I have a feeling it's the vibration of her lips and tongue that soothe her gums.

  6. I used to use icy poles (as in the cool sticks) Cut the sharp edges off the corners but don't open them. The shape makes it easy to get to the gums. Then when they melt you just refreeze them. They are too big for the littlies to choke on but if your worried at all put bub in the high chair where you can watch her/him

  7. i'm in australia too, my son just cut his first tooth yesterday, i have been using bonjela teething gel and it seems to settle him down. Now just waiting for the next one to come!! I also used baby panadol overnight as he was waking every 2 hours and i could tell he was in pain.

  8. i like orajel (i think i spelled that wrong)but also try buing those big carrots i did for my daughter and she loved them she hates orajel.i just left them in the fridge for a minute so they would be cold also if your baby has a tooth or 2 already it will not hurt if she/he scrapes of a little bit of carrot!also a frozen washcloth get it wet and throw it in the freezer for an hour os so

    good luck hope this helps

  9. I like the Baby Orajel - Nightime.  It lasts a little bit longer that the regular stuff, but it's still very short term.  I found Infant's Advil or Motrin to work the best.  Try getting the corner of a washcloth wet and putting it in the freezer for 10 minutes... let the baby chew on the frozen part.

  10. If you read the back of the bonjela then you will find it contains alchol so i stay clear of this one !! I cant remember name for the other one but its white with green/red writing and does not contain alchol :) I do not use it much as doesnt seemto make much difference :)

  11. hylands makes a homeopathic teething gel.  The commercial teething gels unfortunately have dyes in them, which cause an allergic response. Massaging the gums with your fingers work wonders!

  12. None of them are very good, as they only work for a short time and then you're left in the same postition you were in from the start(with an upset child) The soft teething rings that you can stick in the frig. work best in my opinion, just b/c when they warm can stick them right back in there, and while they are cold the child can chew on them and it soothes them.  

  13. i like the liquid  baby orajel, in a bottle, not a tube. there are also all natural teething tablets that dissolve in the babies mouth and work well, with nothing that can harm the baby.

  14. baby orajel worked fine for my niece, and get some teething rings and put them in the fridge to get them cool..

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