
What are the best advertising methods for an Accounting business?

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I know I will advertise in the Yellow Pages. Where else should I advertise?

My target market is local small businesses. I will be doing returns for individuals as well at tax time.

Thanks for your help!




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  2. Yellow Pages are good, but there are plenty of other alternatives.

    Jivox is a web-based video advertising service and they have a pretty impressive offering. You can create a free video ad for your business in minutes and deliver that ad to your audience immediately using geographic, demographic and behavioral intelligence.  Check out their free demo for details.

  3. Yellow pages are a good place to start. You will also want a website that is optimized to show up in the major search engines (Google, Yahoo) for geographically targeted keywords - ie. Miami Accountant.

    Depending on where you are located, the Internet can out produce a yellow pages ad 10 to 1, as far as leads go. In major metro areas such as New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, etc. many service related business such as yours are keeping the smallest possible presence on the Yellow Pages just to be there and are shifting everything else online. And be very careful of the Yellow Pages sales pitch about how they will get you online - it gets you much less exposure than if you have your own site and market it directly with Google and Yahoo which is where over 80% of people look when they go online to find a service.

    Now is a good time to get a site up and running as it takes a few months to get rankings in the search engines but you should have enough time before tax season.

    Here is some more information on Local Internet Marketing:

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