
What are the best alternative treatments for lymphoma?

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My uncle was just diagnosed with lymphoma. I'm familiar with several alternative treatments and energy medicines but I don't know anything about lymphoma. Can someone give me some good advice?

I've already passed on the word about ph levels and also about castor oil packs for the lymphatic system. Anything else?




  1. I have been getting treatments for melanoma cancer for the past eighteen months. I really got tired hearing of uniformed and unfounded aka alternative treatments. I did the proven and traditional route and I am currently in remission. I know you want to help, but are you really suggesting that your uncle use untested treatments?. If the alternative treatments were proven to work, they would no longer be alternative.  

  2. Lymphoma should absolutely NOT be treated with just natural cures.  *shudders*

    natural medicines are fabulous for treating the side effects to radiation, chemo, etc, but until we actually have something that is a straight guarantee, natural medicines are much better for preventing cancer, than treating it.  I would advise your uncle to visit a cancer center that has acupuncturists, nutritionists, naturopaths, and oncologists all working on the same team.  Anyone with cancer needs a support team.  

    Castor oil packs should absolutely not be used for cancer.  They can actually cause cancer to metastasize as they are a heating treatment. Yes they are good for the lymphatic system but cleansing it right now will just cause the cancer to spread more rapidly.  

    Home remedies have there place, but definitely not when it comes to cancer.  I would use them as a complement, not the main treatment.  

    Hope that helps dear,  

  3. This might not be what you are looking for...but my friend was diagnosed with cancer a year or so ago,... she did chemo but she ALSO did acupuncture, chi gong, yoga, massage, and took holistic medication. The doctors kept telling her how they couldnt believe how fast she was healing. I know if I was ever diagnosed with a life threatening disease I would definitely follow in her footsteps. Good luck!  

  4. There are none. It's all braindead nonsense.

    Evidence-based medicine is your hope, and you need to be 100% behind it.

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