
What are the best and easiest ways to save energy?

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What are the best and easiest ways to save energy?




  1. I agree with Dan.  And there are many others things as well, in particular about transportation - use public transit or just walk or bike, packaging - use reusable bags for general goods and groceries, food - drink tap water and buy locally grown vegetables.

    All easy, right?!

  2. Programmable thermostat that turns off the heat at night and sets the temperature to 68.5

    Replace every bulb in the house with led bulbs rather then cfls.

    Put the computer on power saving mode.

    Turn stuff off.

    Get and use Low flow shower head.

    Insulate all your hot water pipes. The foam pipe insulation can be taped on all hot water pipes. It slides on and then you can wrap some tape around that.

    Here is an example of one.

    Get the size pipe insulation for your size pipes.

    Lastly, Insulate your hot water tank. Get a hot water tank blanket.

  3. For starters, Changing the light bulbs in your home to florecent bulbs can save you about $30 a month (depending on your energy use). And try to conserve by turning off the lights when you're not going to be using a room for awhile. Turning down thermostat temperatures 5 degrees will save on heating bills. Switching a  whole house water heater over to one of those "instant hot" types will save you $ big time. There are lots of little things you can do.

  4. Depending on how far you drive each day, the best way to save energy is to take a bus or train.  Another is to lower the temperature of the water in your water heater.  Take quicker showers.  Replace incandescent bulbs with CFL or LED bulbs.

    Reusing containers is a huge energy win, and containers and packaging that you cant find a new use for should be recycled.   I've found that convincing my neighbors to take some of these steps now has a larger impact than most other steps I can take myself.

  5. I keep my AC set at 81 and run my ceiling fans .  Really helps alot!

    I am also Big on recycling just about everything I can!

    I am one person with 2 bins, that I over flow every week.

    I shred all my bills and that goes in the bin.  ALL the envelopes from my mail goes in there.

    ALL plastic, bags etc. are recyled.

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