
What are the best and the worst things about facebook?

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What are the best and the worst things about facebook?




  1. just something boring to do, thats the best thing and the worst thing about facebook

  2. best:talking to people you love(friends etc,)

    worst:you cant change your backgound as in they cant have layouts and be colorfull an pretty lol..

  3. best is the communication and finding old friends, the rest are the worst..

    early bird :)

  4. Best....finding old friends

    Worst.....old girlfriends finding you

  5. The BEST thing : i can meet my friends, and OLD friends

    The WORST thing : some times the server become full of errors & stuff .... so it makes everything TOO slow or NOT responding at all

  6. Best: I'm Sure everyone said it you can find people you've known ages ago!

    Worst: It has become cluttered with useless applications on other people that make it hard for me to find their wall

  7. I find its great for keeping in touch with friends and to get to know people you have met online.

    Ive got to know many of our old Yahoo A's crew on more personal level without getting one violation notice and enjoy sharing pics of our families and see our lil' Yahoo A's bubs grow etc.

    The worst thing is the applications take far too long to work and no matter what you put in your profile some guys invite themselves to be your"friend" and all they really wanna do is hook up online. Even though its very clear in my profile that I am not interested.

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