
What are the best anime in japanese with english subtitles which help you learn japanese?

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I know you shouldn't attempt to learn japanese from anime alone, but I'm learning japanese in school and I figure watching japanese language shows would be a good idea. Because I live in the UK, though, the only anime I've seen is Pokemon and Dragonball Z, which is dubbed in english. (Oh yeah, and Pocoyo with Stephen Fry XD) I tried watching Naruto online but the speech was too fast and complex for me to follow- plus they kept talking in weird voices, which didn't help...

I was wondering if anyone could suggest simpler anime/normal japanese TV, maybe for younger children? Is there a japanese version of Sesame Street, Teletubbies or something like that? And if so, where can I watch it online with english subs? XD It seems like a bit of a long shot, I know.

Alternatively, what anime has helped you improve your japanese? Anything you can suggest would be a major help, thanks :)




  1. This isn't always a good idea because when they translate it into English the wording is often changed so English speaking people can relate to it.

  2. believe it or not, TV is actually quite good for learning. but ONLY if your already studying it... i remember after a particularly bad weather vocab test our j*p teacher made us sit down and watch the exact same weather report on repeat for an hour... unsurprisingly, we all got near perfect on the next vocab test.

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