
What are the best anti-aging <span title="practices/supplements/foods,">practices/supplements/foo...</span> etc. for men in their 40s?

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Have been reading about anti-aging and don't find any good resources. I think I look good for my age (so they tell me) but would like to learn more. Any thoughts/resources would be helpful. Thanks.




  1. Don&#039;t smoke. Drink in moderation. Avoid the sun. Get lots of exercise and maintain a healthy weight.  Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, don&#039;t eat much red meat or simple carbs.  Be in a healthy romantic relationship.

    That is all the evidence supports.  

  2. Here&#039;s a good place to start your research, there are experts you can write to and free newsletters etc:;js...

    any cell food and/or raw foods~


  3. yoga ,

  4. Find out YOGA THERAPY in your country, or visit websites regarding YOGA. No medications, no hazzles. Only they teach you how and when to consume more oxygen than you usually do. It is simple. The origin of Yoga therapy is India. If you may continue exercises throughout your life, at the age of 90 you may look like 50 year old.

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