
What are the best beer games?

by  |  earlier

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i got turbo cups and beer pong down whats some more?




  1. beer pong and quarters!

  2. DODGE BEER!!! The game is incredible and much more fun than beer pong. No it doesn't involve throwing beer cans, and yes it still involves ping pong balls. Check out a better description of the game at Liquor Live:

  3. Quarters

    Pass out

    hang man


    7-card no peek

  4. Beer pong is 1 of my favorites but i really enjoy land mines.  Flip cup is fun and kings cup if u have a lot of people.  Wizard staff is fun basically its just taping cans together to make a staff hahah.  Another game that i have yet to try because they dont sell 40z in my county only 32 is tapeing 40z to both your hands.  Basically u cant untape them until u drank both 40z hahaha.  Tv show or movie drinking games where u take a drink when sumbody says sumthing or does sumthing.  Captain ********. Quarterz. also fun.

  5. high low with a deck or cards and a bunch of people...

  6. POWER HOUR!!!!!!

    length- 1hour (split into 60 seconds)

    Drink- beer (or any alcohol)

    Players- 2+

    Rules- You start dead on the hour for example 9 'o' clock then everytime 60 seconds go past you take a shot..

    Anyone that is sick or goes to the toilet has to down a whole glass of some made up drink.

    It is a good game and gets you wrecked by the end of the hour you have usually done about 6 cans of beer and obviously 60 shots so be careful its not too strong lol

    There is also flip, sip or strip


    Drink Beer (any)


    Rules- One player starts with the coin they flip it into the air and call heads or tails. If it lands on the side they predicted then they pass the coin to the left. If it lands on the one they did not call they have to take a shot or strip

    However if they do this wrong twice in a row on the third time they cannot do the same thing they done before for example sip sip STRIP!!!!!

    soooo funny enjoy and get wated haha

  7. I like playing poker while drinking. who ever loses gets to drink and if its a tie....highly unlikely then the 2 winners drink. There are a lot of drinking games online. Just type in the search bar...drinking games and it will come up with alot of websites!! Good luck and be safe!

  8. Quarters- fun especially if you are good

    a*****e- love this game.  usually the a*****e gets drunk the fastest but hopefully that changes every hand.

    High/Low- fast drunk and usually only two people play at a time.

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