
What are the best books for a 13 year old to read???????

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im trying to look for the best books that i can read and are good for my age.




  1. im 13 to, i read

    Twilight, new moon and eclipse

    Harry potter series

    The davinci code

    Any book by eric walters

  2. how about...Red 14 and think this book is very well written i only wish there was more to the story instead of it finishing so soon

  3. Well my favorites are...

    The Chronicles of Narnia

    Harry Potter

    The series of Unfortunate events

    And I also heard that a diary of a wimpy kid is good! :)  :D

  4. my fave is ttyl, along with l8r g8r, and ttfn

    fantastic books- all about what we are going through

  5. There are a TON of good books for your age! I work at a library so I see a lot of kids your age. Some you might try depending on your likes are

    -A series of Unfortunate Events


    -Sarah Dessen(She's an author..excellent, maybe a tad bit old for you)

    -Romiette and Julio

    -Faith Girls

    There are a lot more. If I were you I would go to the local library and ask a librarian for recomendations.

  6. the nancy sumthing mystery books the harry potter books goosebumps

  7. Are You There God Is Me Marget by Judy blume is an awsome book.That all girls should read.I read it and it's a very good book.

  8. A tree grows in Brooklyn

    The Chocolate War

    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    White Fang

    anything by Judy Blume

    anything goosebumps

  9. my kids have read the series Maximum Ride. There are 4 books, the last one just came out in the spring. They are writen by James Patterson and the first book is called Maximum Ride the Angel Experiment. The second is called "Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever, the third is Maximum Ride Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, and the last is called Maximum Ride, Final Warning.

    These books are about these kids who were bred in a lab and they are half human, half bird and they have different powers. One of them is blind. One's name is Max (she's a girl and the oldest) They excape from the lab and the bad people are after kids couldn't put them down as they read them. They are geared for your age.

    Another one you might like which was writen by a teen girl is called Swordbird.

  10. Scarlett By Cathy cassidy

    The Big Book of Girl Stuff by Bart King (yes I know, sounds like a s*x ed book, but trust me it's awsome!)

    If you will tell what genre you are into I'll post more accordingly.

  11. Eva Ibbotson is an amazing author who writes books for children of all ages and all reading abilities.

    I liked her a lot when i was your age

    here's a list of some of her younger books:

  12. Here's a list for you.

    That's just one of many, many lists available.  Your local librarian can help you find other books.

    Happy reading.

  13. I just read this really good book called "The Outsiders" by S.E.Hinton. I totally reccomend it. BTW im 13 too

  14. I love to read! Here's a website:

  15. That depends upon your reading level.  Are you above or below your age in reading level?  Why not go to your local library and ask the librian to help you find appropriate reading material...that's what they are there for.

  16. Personally I love reading the Clique books. They are really good.

  17. what are u preggers?

  18. well, i would say try things your interested...i read two of my favorite books because they were autobiographys of two of my idols: Mindfreak: Secret revalations by Criss angel, and Big Papi: my story of big dreams and big hits. i loved both of em, because they were real topics i loved.

  19. Twilight series, harry potter, uglies and pretties books.

  20. There are SO many great books out there for you to read and enjoy this summer!  Scholastic offers some help in choosing books that interest you and are appropriate for your reading level.  Check out the site below for some help.

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