
What are the best books & sources on homeschooling?

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I am a 20 something person who wants to find it out?




  1. My answer is not exactly on the point yet not totally off. It is something important to consider.

    Anyone out there that was or is being home taught I know of a high school that will accept your home schooling diploma and transcript for transfer. Then issue you an accredited high school diploma. The name is the Royal Institute of the Americas (high school). I am including the home page so if you want you can check it out. My sister graduated from this school about 6 years ago.

  2. Now there's a question that ends up having a potentially overwhelming answer.  There has been an explosion of curriculae, resources, theories about homeschooling in the past 10-15 years.  Mainly fueled by Christian families in the U.S., it is no longer considered crazy (except by many school administrations who miss the money).  

    To really experience the richness of variety, I might suggest attending a nearby homeschool conference.  Many large cities have one annually.  They will have displays from most of the major companies with people to tell you more than you want to know about what is out there.

    I am partial to Sonlight curriculum, which has an international focus (as opposed to a U.S. focus that many curriculae feature).  If you Google 'home school curriculum', you'll find a plethora of options.  As far as a book on homeschooling in general, there are many out there; I just haven't chosen to read any.  I formulated my own reasoning for homeschooling my older daughter this year (2nd grade) and have loved it.

  3. I was homeschooled - back with the dinosaurs...and my parents used the same textbooks as the local school. It was a small town and my mom just asked for them.

    Now I've just started homeschooling my two kids (cause my daughter is failing second grade) and I'm using COVA - Colorado Virtual Academy through

    Everything you need! I know that hard core home school families are against it because it is considered a state/public school but I see it as the best of both worlds. - is available in every state and is the homeschooling of choice for military overseas.

    Good luck.

  4. This website has some great info:

    I also like the books:

    Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson

    How Children Learn by John Holt

    How Children Fail by John Holt

    Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto

    Hope this helps!

  5. My favorites are Debra Bells 'The ultimate guide to homeschooling' and Susan Wise Bauer 'The Well Trained Mind'. Both can be found my local library.  Debra Bells is very easy and enjoyable to read.  The other follows a classical approach to schooling.

  6. There are no "best" books and resources.  Each family does what works for them.

    For a good overall view of homeschooling, I would suggest you read John Holt.

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