
What are the best burglar deterrent CDs or MP3 on the market?

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I want to go on vacation and I want my apartment to sound occupied while I am away. Are there any CDs or MP3s on the market with recorded household sounds that will deter burglars?




  1. You may want to check out Rex the Electronic Watchdog.   It sells at various places online for around $100.  It is an electronic box that has a recording of an angry dog barking.  It has some sort of advanced motion sensor that supposedly can "see through walls" and it gets louder when someone approaches your door.  Personally, I think that's a bit expensive.  You may want to consider using light timers instead to turn on and off lights at various times to make your place look occupied.  Available in most hardware stores for less than $20.

  2. And maybe when someone rings the bell, it comes and answers the door.

    What do you think, burglars are that stupid. they can't see that nobody enters or leaves a house?

    Either get a burglar alarm or put fake stickers from a local alarm company.

  3. The best CD for that purpose I have found at They offer CD/MP3 downloadable files with prerecorded realistic household sounds, cutlery, toilet flush, tools etc. The home really sounds occupied when listen from the outside! Another web site that offers similar product is So, the answer is or

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