
What are the best buys in France? What can I buy on holiday in France that is cheaper than in the UK?

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What are the best buys in France? What can I buy on holiday in France that is cheaper than in the UK?




  1. Wine definitely, french cheeses - fruit and veg. - always good deals on local produce at markets. Coffee beans, ground coffee and instant (Carte Noir). Pate, garlic sausage, herbes de provence .. fresh and frozen shellfish eg crevettes.

    Cooking chocolate, chocolate spread ...

  2. I'm France right now and the only things I've seen cheaper are wines and tobacco and food. Other things seem a lot more expensive like CDs, DVDs, batteries, sunscreen etc so mae sure you buy your holiday essentials etc back in England. There are 'Soldes' (sales) in many shops at the moment where there are some good bargains for clothes etc but I don't know when your coming. Enjoy your holiday!

  3. cheese, wine, frogs, ...

  4. Nothing I doubt. Snails are free here.

  5. As far as I know, when I compare supermarket's prices between France (Carrefour) and Britain (Tesco), I see that France is on average 20/25% cheaper than Britain.

    Basically alcoholic beverages are 30% cheaper, good wines are a lot more; perfumes are a little bit less expensive, but there is a wide choice.

    If you like snails,blue cheese and other delicatessen, go ahead! However, quality products cost a lot, like everywhere.

    Last recommendation, if you want to shopping in France, avoid Paris, because with 24 million tourists, prices are completely stupid over there.  

    Choose small cities if you are price-orientated.

    Good luck

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