
What are the best cities for a young journalist to live after college?Somewhere I can party. Look below.?

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I am finished with school with a Degree in Journalism and I have been sending my resume to different city. Some medium size some big size. I just want to know from everyone what is the best place to live for a new college graduate in Journalism. I have written a lot of papers at a newspaper while in college so that won't be a problem. I am looking for a place where I can have fun but at the same time have a easy time finding work. I would consider living the country but from what I heard it is not easy. I just need some ideas on where I could go.




  1. D.C.  There's lots of jobs for journalism majors there plus it's a very fun city.

  2. where do you currently live? How about San Francisco? lots of work here and if you live in the city  you can just walk to bars or night clubs, lots of fun things to do around here

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