
What are the best classes to take during pregnancy?

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We are looking at the classes they offer at the hospital where our baby will be born and there are a lot of them. We are first time parents. What classes did you find the most useful?




  1. We are starting "Birth & Parenting" classes tomorrow. Seems to have all you will need to know. Check with the hospital you are booked into, they will be able to let you know what courses they hold.

  2. before i had my son, i took a childbirth prep class at the hospital that was a waste of time and money.  

    however i am pregnant again and am thinking of doing prenatal yoga classes they offer at the hospital, i think that may benefit me..

    i also think it would be good to do a safety class, such as CPR and first aid.  

  3. We thought those classes were ridiculously expensive so we rented dvd's from the library and watched those.  We got all the same info for free!  I think the dvd's offered more than enough information....I was completely prepared (and calm!) the day my water broke.  The only bad thing is if you have a question there is no instructor to ask but that's when I would just ask somebody I knew that all ready had kids and I also joined on online site for pregnant women.

  4. The only class that I found to be very helpful was the breastfeeding class.  If you plan to breastfeed, I would definately take the class.

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