
What are the best clothes for an 11 hour flight?

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A pair of jeans, a buttoned shirt and a pullover? Planes are usually cold- is this enough. I might be more comfortable in a sweat shirt but all the ones I have, have hoods, and my coat also has a hood so that’s two hoods! Should I go out and buy one without a hood. Then again, I don't want to get cold. My final destination is Syracuse New York (COLD)...




  1. I would wear's the best clothing for ny...i live next to syracuse.

  2. I would wear comfortable clothes on the plane, something you can easily fall asleep in, and be sure to grab your best winter coat, because it's cold here, use that as your pillow or blanket on the plane

  3. Please dress presentably.  There will be blankets on the plane.  Jeans, a buttoned shirt, and a jacket will be just fine.

  4. I think I would dress in sweat clothing

  5. I prefer to be in layers, and not jeans; They can be binding after sitting for hours.  A sweat suit/jogging type outfit with a shirt underneath.  Somebody else mentioned comfy shoes due to feet swelling, that's so true.  Bring your jacket on board and you will be able to use it for either a pillow or blanket or just store it overhead, but you will have it as soon as you land.  It would be terrible to be in NY with no jacket (if your luggage was misplaced for a few days).  Speaking of misplaced luggage, you think it never happens to you, well be prepared, always pack extra socks and underwear in your travel bag, that's one thing I had problems with was getting socks and underwear (that fit) when my luggage was misplaced.

  6. Sweatshirt will do and hood no problem.  Loose clothing and comfortable shoes, as your feet will tend to swell.

    Store your heavy coat in above compartment.

    Blankets are available on long flights.

    Bon Voyage

  7. Whenever you travel dress in layers. There is no guarantee what the temperature is going to be. As for the hood under the coat, I do it all the time. Welcome to NY.

  8. hmm 13 hours from singapore to london.... sweat pants, and just a t-shirt are ample... dont wear jeans... also take a sweater on as hand luggage to wear when you wake up after a bit (coz it usually gets a bit chilly)

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