
What are the best colleges that offer things like Short Film Direction?

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Hi! I'm 14 and am starting to kinda think about my future and what I wanna do. I was thinking a short film director. (Commercials, music videos, that sorta thing) I'm not too familiar with colleges so I'd like to know maybe the top 10 colleges that are sorta artsy like that where I could major in directing and have a good education.




  1. The best film schools in the US (and in the world) are UCLA, USC and NYU. Below those three, but also very, very strong, are Florida State U, U Texas Austin, Northwestern, Syracuse, U Cal Berkeley, U Michigan Ann Arbor, and U North Carolina Chapel Hill.

    All are very strong universities as well as excellent film schools. You can absolutely major in directing at these universities, although at some, you may be a film major specifically, and focus your studies on directing under that major.  

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