
What are the best comforts?

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What are the best comforts when you're upset?

I was possibly thinking tea would be the best one...




  1. Talking to a trusted friend


    Talking to a trusted friend with chocolate!!

  2. yeah tea/coffee or a body massage or taking a stroll or may be talking to one of ur close friends and listening to soothing music can be helpful

  3. I like to listen to music and relax by myself. If I feel like I need to turn to someone and get advice I ask my Mother.Also, I like to get a pedicure or I will go out and by something nice for myself.

  4. yeah why not a nice cup of rosie lee and a chocy biscuit .oh and a hug

  5. Lots of wine, lots of chocolate & a good friend!

  6. Have a long warm bath with lotsa bubbles.

    Then get out put ur snugglyest pj's onn with a fluffy blanket.

    Cuddle up on the sofa with ur loved one/friend/cat/dog etc

    Watch a film with a hot cuppa chocolate and some galaxy chocolate!

    Youll be instantly happier! lol

    P.S whoevers nearest that u love give them a big hug its sooo nice lol!


  7. Tea, hot water bottle on your low back, soup, chocolate, popcorn, old movies, a warm fuzzy blanket, someone to cuddle up to. (even if it's a kitty, puppy, or a stuffed animal)

    Music can be nice


    Massage therapy

    Painting your nails

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