
What are the best compliments you've ever gotten--one from someone close to you and one from a total stranger?

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What are the best compliments you've ever gotten--one from someone close to you and one from a total stranger?




  1. my co-worker once told me that he look forward from getting advice from me because I was open to listen, a customer in passing to me whenever she would come into the store I used to work at, my smile and bright eyes would strengthen her.

  2. "You have beautiful skin","lovely eyes", "nice hair", "nice lips", and "nice voice". That i have a pleasant personality, that i am intelligent, real empathic or that they can talk to me about anything without feeling judged negative by me. Both by people I know and don't know.

  3. Strangers usually only compliment my clothes and hair but then again so does my family.. so they both are "Great hair, it looks good"

  4. youll always have a special place in my heart (apparently it was said to my bestfriend, about me from a guy)

    from a stranger??? im not sure. BUT this guy said i looked 'smokin' in my bathing suit, which was more creepy than nice.

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