
What are the best containers to freeze meals in?

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How long will they last in the freezer?

What are the best meals to freeze?

Do I have to let the dish cool before putting it in the freezer?




  1. Properly sealed, foods can last in the freezer for 6 months. Freezer burn is caused by air becoming trapped between the food and your packaging - try to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing, when you're using zipper-type bags. Some people swear by butcher paper and others insist that you need to invest in a vacuum-sealer, but I have pretty good luck with the zipper-type freezer bags.

    Things like pasta dishes, chili, soups and casseroles freeze and thaw beautifully but it's mandatory that you date and label them because they all look the same once they're frozen and it's hard to remember how old something might be.

    Here is a link to Freezer Meals and Frozen Assets - bookmark them and read at your leisure. Good luck!

  2. I like Tupperware for freezing meals because it seals tighter than the cheap stuff.

    You can pretty much freeze anything and it's fine. Casseroles are easy.

    You definately want to let it cool before freezing or you end up with condensation that tends to make the food taste funny.

    Try to find Ball's Blue Book on Canning. That has so much great information on freezing, hot water bath canning and everything else.

    Good luck.

  3. I use rectangular plastic containers, all the same size, except in height. (they stack easier)

    There are shallow 25mm ones for a single serve, and deeper 40mm ones for two serves.

    They will last several weeks.

    I freeze things like rice and veggies that have some pork or chicken etc.


    I normally split the leftovers so to make a meal I will need to open several container.

    Sometimes I will freeze a whole meal if there is a reason, so it will be made to suit.

    For ideas, go to the market and see whay they have as ready meals, or just prepare some extra at dinner time.

    Allow to cool for about 10 minutes and then put in the fridge. Later when it is cold put in freezer.  

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