
What are the best day trips to take from Positano, Italy?

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We will be staying in Positano for 6 days and would very much like to see Naples, Pompei and much of the Amalfi Coast. Although we have heard so much it's so difficult to choose the best trips during our short stay.




  1. My husband and I were in Rome last October and took the train to Positano for the last -- and turned out to be BEST -- part of our trip.  You need at least 3 days in Positano, and try to rent a boat there to see the coas from the water (we stayed at the Albergo Miramare hotel and they included the boat trip -- it was amazing, just us and 2 other couples with a local givin the tour, complete with local wine, fruits on board....)

    Take a day to see Pompei (just take the metro / rail line) and do spend the whole day in Pompei, I am not the history buff type, but it is so worth it.

    If you like things like photography / hiking / walking / shopping, then Positano has a lot to offer -- the restaurants there are amazing so be sure to have a looong dinner watching the tiny island go from day to dusk... and a day just relaxing there is also worthwhile.

    Definately also take the ferry to Capri -- we stayed in Capri for 2 nights, very expensive, kind of trendy, but also amazing -- you really must go there.

    HAVE AN AMAZING TIME - we have have travelled all over teh world, and Positano is our favorite!

  2. I really enjoyed the South of Italy as a vacation spot when I lived in the North of Italy.  Pompeii gets really warm really quickly as there are few shade trees there, so I would recommend going early in the day, and then going to Naples to see the museum of many objects, mosaics, and the like that have been recovered from Pompeii-that way it still stays on theme.  In Amalfi, check out the Duomo and the small monk's rectory.  They are both very beautiful and a contrast from one another.  Also in Amalfi, there are many artisan crafts such as paper makers, and many will let you see their shop.  Also go see how Lemocello is may-they let you try samples and there are many wonderful varietals.  Capri is a short boat ride and a fun day trip where you can get custom made leather sandals that last forever that are made right in front of your eyes.  Other than that, beware of theft in Naples-it's quite famous among Italian for that.  Buona vacanza.

  3. I agree with the first poster- Paestum was the highlight of my time on the Amalfi Coast, and I enjoyed it a million times more than Pompeii.  The temples there are just absolutely mind-blowing, and it feels very off-the-beaten track.

    Another great half-day trip is to Ravello, which is known as the City of Music because it has a fantastic music festival.  It's not right on the coast, but rather it's up in the coastal hills (giving you great views of the shore).  There are great winding streets and old churches in Ravello, plus the most adorable little square with (overpriced) cafes in front of the Duomo.

    I've never been to Capri, but I did spend a few days on Ischia.  It was fantastic- beautiful beaches, few tourists, hot springs, greenery, etc.  

    In all honesty, you can skip Naples.  It's a dump.  It's like any other big city, and there isn't much to see except the archaeological museum.  I felt like Pompeii wasn't ultimately worth my time, and it is EXTREMELY full of tourists, but some people consider it a "must see".  I have never met anyone who said it took their breath away- unlike Paestum.  If you do want to visit say, Pompeii and Paestum, I suggest looking into the Campania ArteCard.  It's sold at all the site entrances, and the Naples train station, and gives you a decent deal on site entrance.

    I visited the Amalfi Coast in April of this year, and June of 2005, and have a personal website about my favorite things to see and do.  There are lots of photos, plus insider tips about opening times, getting around on public transportation, saving money, choosing restaurants, etc.  I'll link to the Paestum part, and from there you can explore other places in Campania that I visited.

  4. We were in Italy earlier this month and spent four days based in Salerno, at the southern end of the Amalfi Coast. We went to Pompeii one day (it was very interesting unf. the weather was horrible--cold and rainy), and another day we went to Paestum, which I really enjoyed. It's a UNESCO Heritage Site, with three ancient Greek temples located about 40 minutes south of Salerno. I think it's not on most tourist itineraries because it was hardly crowded at all.

    I've been to Naples before (not on this trip) and I really liked it, but it's quite overwhelming. I would suggest only planning to stay for a few hours, if you've never been before. I went to the church of San Gennaro, had an authentic Neopolitan pizza, and went to the Archaeological Museum, and that was all I could handle for one day! On a different day I also went to Campodimonte, where there is an art museum and a beautiful park overlooking the city.

    Other than that, the Amalfi Coast is beautiful in itself. We took a ferry from Salerno to Positano and spent a few hours there, had lunch, then took the ferry from Positano to Amalfi and spent a few hours there, and then took the bus back to Salerno. I wouldn't recommend the bus if you are easily carsick or afraid of heights--the road is REALLY curvy, narrow... though the views are gorgeous too. You could take little day trips to the different towns on the coast, or else just lounge on a beach all day drinking limoncello....

    Buon viaggio!!

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