
What are the best environmental charities to mobilize the fight against global warming?

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I support the environmental defense but I'm becoming a little wary of them of late. I'm curious what other environmental charities out there do people think are effective in the plight against environmental degradation.




  1. Conservation International is one of the best non profits out there. They actually get stuff done... and the money you donate doesnt just go straight into the pockets of the organizers

  2. the national and international well established conservation charities like english nature, wwf, etc., and greenpeace and friends of the earth, are big and old enough to get the ear of the various gov.s sometimes.

  3. you would be better off just putting your money straight into al gore's wallet than giving to one of those rip off "charities".

  4. Well, since biodiversity is critical to humans and wildlife alike, you could support a group like The Nature Conservancy. They're a respected organization, and they have a good track record.  Dealing with climate change is definitely a part of their agenda.

    A few other candidates I've found, none which I"m overly familiar with:

  5. There is none, since so-called 'Global warming' only exists in 'Academia Land', and no power can change the Sun's activity  or earth's orbit!

  6. There is the stalwart Sierra Club which has been doing this work forever and a day.

    Greenpeace of course, and the WWF.

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