
What are the best excuses not to eat?

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There are times where I'm seriously not hungry and my mom forces me to eat, then I feel so full. She doesn't trust me.

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  1. The best excuse not to eat - if your dead - and that is a fact.

    Without more information - hard to give a good answer.  You don't mention how tall you are, your age, how much you weigh - - all very much factors in why your mother very well is pressing you to eat - and why there are trust issues.

    If your parents and doctor don't believe that you are the correct weight for your age and height - you need to eat - and you need to get some serious counseling for a possible eating disorder.

  2. with the direction our economy, you wont have to worry about meat (since most will not be able to afford it), or for that matter any other foods...

  3. Parents worry, especially about young women who face so much pressure to be perfectly thin by the media. Your mom is probably just worried that you're not getting enough to eat. My mom and dad did the same thing to me--they would tell me to "clear my plate." Truth is: we know when our bodies need to eat. WE know, not them. Your mom needs to trust your instincts. We should eat when we are hungry--simple as that.

  4. Tell her you have a small appetite and you ate earlier, or eat small servings or puke in her face and she will leave you alone. sorry but I am almost certain that will work.

  5. You shouldn't need an excuse. Tell her that you are a vegetarian and you would really love and appreciate it if she understood and respected your choice. When you do it, I would say, " thank you SO much for respecting my wishes".

    On a different note, does your mother think your heath is ailing or weight is too low?? If so, I would take that into consideration. Ask for a good multi-vitamin to take so that she can feel more comfortable with the idea of letting you control your diet.

  6. wrong catagory.

  7. Honestly, I would just walk away, and go to my room.

    No one can force you to eat anything. Tell her you're full while looking her into the eye, and if she still doesn't believe you, split like Kelly Clarkson and just walk away.

    Lol I love that song! Here listen to it =]

  8. All you really can do is ask her to trust you. I went through something similar and so I just ate fruit and they accepted it.

  9. I think if i eat another bite i am going to be sick...

    I just can't eat no more it will make me sick

    thanks but i can't i have to save room for dessert

    can i hold it for later... kinda full right now

    mom your a great cook but i need to save room for later

  10. Just gain her trust. She is probably just worried you're not eating enough. But you are really the only who can make that call. good luck! (:

  11. wow my mom is like that too, she has to stuff me untill i can't eat anymore. you should tell your mom that your really not hungry and hopfuly she will trust you :)

  12. Tell her you ate a hamburger!

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