
What are the best exercises to do in order to lose weight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currently 5'7" and 130 lbs. I know that cardio is the best way to accomplish weight loss, but I was wondering if any particular exercises help tone and lose weight, instead of bulking up with muscle. I was aiming to lose 10-15 lbs in 3 months. Is this healthy? And are there any particular fruits and veggies that are better to consume to achieve this? (Poptarts are officially out of the picture, haha:] )

And I apologize if the description of my question seems rather disjointed. I just jotted out my questions as they came to my mind, haha.




  1. the best way is to walk I have a friend who weighed 300 and all she done was walked and retrained her brain to eat when she was hungry and stop when she was full,it takes your brain 15 minutes to tell your stomach it is full so it is best to eat one year she went from a size 26 to size 12.

  2. I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.

    1. If what you are eating has less than 1 carb, count it as 1 carb just to be sure.

    2. Totally avoid caffine at least for the first two weeks on the program.

    3. Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of plain water or seltzer daily.

    4. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week

    5. Take starting measurements as well as weight - sometimes you'll lose inches before pounds

    6. Avoid any type of "low carb" sweetener for the first two weeks

    7. Don't compare your loss to someone else's - this is a YMMV thing (your milage may vary)

    8. Stalls are common around the third week so don't panic

    9. If you follow your plan to the T and don't lose, consider Candida as a possibility and avoid vinegar, cheese, mushrooms and any other fermented food

    10. Have bloodwork done before starting so you have a comparison

    11. Cholesterol can be elevated in the first few weeks til your body adjusts - make sure your doctor knows that you're doing low carb and when you started

    12. Don't blame the diet if you don't read your plan book -- blame the diet if you don't read the labels -- Don't blame the diet if you don't follow the diet

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

  3. what i did was eat oatmeal, fruits and low salt foods for one whole month along with chicken and lots of water. brisk walking and Pilates does worked on me

  4. Well, your completely correct about the cardio part. :-)

    As for particular exercises to help tone, I would suggest yoga, pilates, stretching, swimming. The best out of those are pilates. They help tone up all the muscles without building a whole lot more.

    And 10-15 lbs in 3 months is totally healthy. Drinking green tea, I've heard, increases metabolism, so you might want to give that a try and see if it fits you.

    I know theres no such thing as "negative" calories but you can search it up on google and they will give you a long list. Negative calories is just a basic term for foods that burn more calories to intake than its worth. Celery is one of them. :-)

    If you want more ideas, I suggest visiting youtube and finding out what exercises best suits you. Everyone is different, and there are hundreds of ways to tone your body, build muscle, exercise, etc.

    =) You seem to have all this down. I think you will be one of those people that have a successful diet.

    Best of Luck :-)

  5. just a note;

    your weight's fine.


    at the gym i recommend the treadmil (if your running or speed walking),

    the olyptical, &the stairmaster.

    if your somehow getting your heart rate up, it'll increase your metabolism,

    helping you lose weight. there's loads of foods you can have. if you're

    looking for things that taste good and are healthy, i recommend going

    to they have a lot of advice about good, healthy foods.

    also, drink a lot of water

    and something i totally recommend, if you eat like 6 small meals throughout the day (every 3 hrs or so) instead of 3 BIG meals (every 5 hrs or so), it'll help you lose weight.

    good luck!

  6. Exercise and diet must go hand -in-hand. Try the the site:

  7. Hey

    I found some great fat burning tips from the site .  There are tips form the top fitness trainers.  There are also some good downloadable free ebooks.  The truth about abs and your six pack quest are also good programs that friends of mine used.  They really give you what you need to lose the fat without losing muscle.

    Good luck, Don't give up.

  8. Drink plenty of water and fibre, also walking is great walk while sucking ur tummy in swing ur arms so your lossing weight toning ur legs butt and and tummy.

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