
What are the best exercises to get rid of man b***s???

by Guest61208  |  earlier

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i am 12 lbs overweight & need good exercise tips. I herd weightlifting is bad because it strengthens the man b***s?




  1. if you lift weight all it will do is tone your man b***s. tone man b***s arent b***s. or if you can even lift try pushups

  2. Man b***s look like the belong inside a bra. They are usually accompanied by a pregnant-looking tummy on a man.  

    Muscled pects don't look like they belong inside a bra.  Weight lifting is good.  So are pushups.  Muslced pects are very impressive, especially accompanied with a muscled back and 6-pack.  

  3. Breast feed a chimpanzee.

    lol jus kiddin running is the best.

  4. do intervals (sprint for short distance then walk then repeat a few times) also do push up slowly 1 time then raise up your left arm in the air and let your right hand carry your weight. Go back to one more push up then raise your right arm in the air and lean your weight on your left arm (make sure only your hand and feet are on the ground) doing this several times every other day will help.

    Other things such as sit ups or jump rope also helps... All of these excersizes will strengthen your man b***s and help tone it so it'll look smaller and more fit

  5. Well the first thing you must do is burn off the extra weight. I recommend running a mile a day at least. After that, do some pushups. This will help tone the muscles in your chest.

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