
What are the best eyeshadow colours to wear if you have dark brown eyes?

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loreal has these trios that are for different eye colours, but my local chemist only sells the ones for blue eyes and green eyes for some reason. can someone help me out? what shades would be best? i have dark brown almost black hair too, and am half greek spo i have that type of colouring.




  1. green and gold make brown eyes really "bright and alive"

  2. I am half Greek too! and my colouring is similar to yours. I am also rubbish with make up (must be a Greek thing!) but I had a make up artist for an event a while ago and she used dark blue eyeshadow on me with a conker brown eyeliner, and brown mascara and it looked great. I went to Estee lauder in Debenhams and got some very similar colours there.  

  3. Gold colourss just suit everyone so if you want to stay on the safe side, stick with thosee (: but just experiment with colours because if you find one that you likee im sure it will look lovely, if i were you id probably get a green shade, im sur eit would look loveley on you.

  4. I have greenish-brown eyes and I use light colored eyeshadow to "pop" them out. Try pale pastels! I bet the contrast would look good.

  5. pink and light blue is my suggestion!

  6. Natural earth tones.  Gold, Green, shimmer, stuff like that.

  7. any colours suit brown eyes!  

  8. I have brown eyes and i tend to wear gold or bronze colours , for your skin type aswell these are good colours you could also try a green or pink

  9. Do colors like green and pink.  It will really brighten your brown eyes.

  10. You can try with brown and rose colours.  

  11. use  bright  color

  12. Browns, golds, lavender, light pinks, some say greens but it depends on your skin tone, you can probably pull it off being Greek but it just makes me look sick! (Yellowish undertones being part Asian)

  13. Hi...

    yer Id Say bright colours such as Pink... or Blue's which will bring out those big brown eyes of yours :D enjoy

    For Idea on colours you could buy check out this website to find ur perfect colour

  14. any color is good

  15. a light purple like lilac

    or some green

    would be really pretty :]

  16. your a lucky girl! Brown goes with anything. But to make them pop the most go with golds, purples, and browns.  

  17. In a couple magazines it says to wear plum colors, and lavender. Hope I could be of help!

  18. light green, pale pink. They really look nice. I wear them alot. I have brown eyes. Gold would look nice too!

  19. I think a light brown colour would be fab on you. It would make you look exotic!

    = )

  20. Omg you sound like my friend she has your skin colouring by the sound of it shes like quarter greek well she wears bright hot pink colours, golden shades and deffo green like any shade lol i wish i had your skin shade lol x

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