
What are the best food to get for a bearded dragon and how do i get them?

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What are the best food to get for a bearded dragon and how do i get them?




  1. crickets and grasshoppers

    but they will also eat some vegetables and some will even take pinky mice.

    you should be able to get the food at where ever you bought/buy you dragon from, unless you but it directly from a breeder, then reptile pet shops sell feeder animals

  2. This is a loaded question in my mind.  This is not a dog, so one type of food is far from sufficient.  Think of a bearded dragon like a child of your own.  It needs a carefully balanced diet mixed and provided by the owner.  Juveniles are omnivorous, while adults are more herbivores.  Juveniles should only receive crickets and mealworms once they're big enough.  The insects should be no larger than the space between their eyes.  Also, you MUST provide a fresh salad for the beardie daily.  It should be about 20 % of his/her diet.  Great staple for beardie salads include collard greens, kale, mustard greens, and a light amount of carrots.  Carrots help them with their colors.  Also provide a variety of different veggies that can be found in nearly any care sheet online.  But, never feed your beardie lettuce.  It is not nutritious at all and causes diarrhea.  Many pet shop employees have suggested lettuce and I had to correct them.

    Also, make sure you dust the crickets and salad with calcium and vitamin dust on a schedule.  3 days of calcium, one day of calcium and vitamin dust.  This, along with proper UVA/UVB lighting creates a very healthy, very happy dragon.

    Also, you didn't ask for this, but I made this mistake and want all beardie owners to learn from my mistakes, bathe your beardie every day!  It will assist in shedding and prevent loss of fingers - what my beardie went through. Make sure the water goes half-way up his body when he's standing in it, and is lukewarm.  This also helps their bowel movements.  Take samples of the f***s to a reptile vet every 3 months for a parasite check.

    Thats husbandry 101.  lol.

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