
What are the best formats?

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Vinyl or CDs ?

VHS or DVDs ?

To people , I guess it's a matter of opinion. We're always switching formats. Why ?

First , people listened to records. Then , 8 track tapes. After that came cassette tapes. And finally CDs by the early '80s. And now , there's MP3 (whatever that is), and Ipods.

First came the beta tapes and VHS tapes. Then DVDs. And now Blu Ray discs. BUT WHICH IS BETTER ?

To me , VHS tapes are the simplest format. But VHS lacks the clear picture that DVD has.




  1. CD


    vinyl is noisy, pops and clicks! bad for my speakers

    vhs is low resolution, 250lines at best while broadcast TV is 525 lines.

    8 track had the best resolution for the FIRST time they were played, they degraded starting with the second time they played. They were better because of the tape width, better resolution. Cassettes did not suffer from this, but the audio peaks were lower because of the narrow media, this is why the magnetic media evolved.

    Beta had more lines of resolution, but not as long in the recording time, so people gave up quality for quantity... dumb people bought VHS.

    Today, the BluRay system is the best, but this is not written in stone and BluRay will evolve too.

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