
What are the best functions on Bloomberg?

by Guest58469  |  earlier

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I have a bloomberg terminal, just setting upm, what are the coolest functions etc

I'm a stocks trader




  1. TOP - top stories

    MA - M&A news

    CRUD - oil

    EE - earnings estimates

    DES - 10 pages of top level description on the company

    GP - graph of stock performance

  2. BU for Bloomberg University - offering classes talking about best functions.

    I like BBXL which tells you how to interface Excel with Bloomberg data.

    WEI & WEIF (world equity indices & futures).

    QSRC and DSRC for equity screening.

    GRT for comparing two stocks with each  other.

    BQ for quick fundamental look.

    ANR: analyst rating

    There are so many great functions. Oh, not to forget "help help" which connects you to the help desk.

    Anytime you find a new function click on "Related Functions" on the top menu bar for exploring other functions that may help you.

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