
What are the best golf clubs for a women that is just starting?

by Guest66927  |  earlier

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And which clubs are easier to use. I have no style or preference at this time. I just want to get the ball where it needs to go with the least amount of strokes. I want to enjoy it, not be a professional.




  1. I like the lopez line as well. and it's lighter than traditional clubs

  2. The Nancy Lopez golf line is the current best choice for ladies starting into the game.  Well designed and quality built.  I have been a club builder for 35 years and for ladies clubs my best seller is this line.  Check them out at a good golf store and you will enjoy the way they play. Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of golf. :)

  3. short men's clubs that what my wife has

  4. I would suggest something very moderately priced as a lot of women spend more time buying equipment than actually playing golf

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