
What are the best herbs to plant indoors?

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I live in a flat in London and I'm blessed because the building was built in the East-West direction, and as there are no other building too close in front of us we do get a fair amount of sunshine ( when it shines). I have two indoor generous window sills in each side of the flat which could easily accommodate a few plant pots and I'd like to plant cooking herbs in them. Which herbs should I try planting ?




  1. Thyme, oregano, parsley,marjoram,rosemary,different salad greens could be grown successfully in that manner also, such as rocket, coral & mignonette lettuce etc.

  2. Herbs need full sun - at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sun, to do well.

    I have herbs planted in hanging baskets outside my kitchen window which only gets two hours of direct sun a day and my herbs are not doing well at all – at least not well enough for me to want to eat them or use them in my food.

    They look fine from a distance but up close and personal, I’d rather they stayed in their pots. My mint looks the least appealing.  

    Since you have an East facing window and a West facing window, I would try, basil, chives, oregano, parsley, sage, thyme and rosemary (although I think rosemary would give you the toughest time).

    If you were so inclined, you might even supplement the lighting by installing a florescent light strip about 8 inches above the plants. Leave the light on for 16 hours a day – between the natural light and supplemental light, you should be able to have a small but slow growing crop of herbs.

  3. Basil, thyme, and rosemary.

  4. I had good luck with parsley, mint  and kale in a south-facing window last winter. But I supplemented the light with a small fluorescent bulb.

  5. Just about any. You can go to a garden shop and probably pick up an indoor herb kit.

  6. chives , basil, and mint are my favorite for the windowsill .the mint can even be used in drinks.

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