
What are the best hours to tan during the day (I live in soutwest MI)?

by Guest32744  |  earlier

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Don't worry, I'll use some sunblock! I'd just like to start working on my tan for the summer. It's a bit cool here but I read that the UV index is suppposed to be 7.




  1. Don't be ridiculous. Stop wasting your time with trying to change your skin color.

  2. when the sun is highest in the sky, it is hottest, giving the best tan. you can check on the web for the local times. don't go out every day though. it can cause skin cancer.

  3. before 10 am and after 3 pm.  but the more i hear about skin cancer, i loose more interest in tanning of anykind.

    This man's small dot on his nose (pen dot size) nearly killed him. Yuk

  4. The best tanning hours are between 10 and 2.

  5. After 5pm.  I will be at home with my binoculars.

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