
What are the best kind of shoes/boots to wear in snow?

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I'm going skiing in Bulgaria next week and I have vans, converse, suede boots, heeled leather boots or stupid pretty shoes, what are the best to wear (when I'm not skiing obviously)?




  1. Fluffy warm ones.

  2. You need shoes or boots with proper tread - walking boots or similar.

  3. ones that are lined with fur on the inside and fur that lines the upper!

  4. warm and waterproof boots

  5. To wear heels in the snow isn't a good idea.  I find that wearing timberland boots are good.  Even though they are considered to be work boots I find them to be very good in the snow.

  6. Merrill polar mocks

    They slip on, which is very convenient (so much easier when your fingers are cold).  But they stay on securely.  Super comfortable, warm, and good traction on the bottoms.

    They tend to be expensive, but they are extremely well made, so you can even get them second hand.

    The first time we went skiing, I wore my lace-up tennis shoes, and ended up walking around the resort in my ski boots rather than take the time to change shoes.  But wearing my Merrill's, it is much easier to change and be able to walk comfortably.  By the way, they are super convenient for airports/security and such, too.  

    They also make boots, but I personally would not wear those enough to make the $$ worth it.  The mocs, I wear all the time.  Land's End makes a similar shoe (sold by Sears), and I think Target and Payless even have something kind of similar.  Merrills are definitely the best, though.  

    IF you must choose from shoes you already own, think about how easy they are to get on & off and how they will function on snow/ice outdoors as well as on wet floors indoors.  It's bad enough to break a bone skiing, but to do so because you slipped and fell in the snack bar would be pretty sad.  The suede boots sound best in some ways, but the wetness may ruin them.

    Good luck.  Hope you have a great time.  (and if you don't have ski socks already, get some - no matter what they cost).

  7. Flip-Flops

  8. polo boots

  9. i think you need to go to a shop that sells outdoor wear and invest in some real boots hun that will suit the weather conditions

  10. Not pretty shoes for sure as they won't stay that way for long. I would suggest anything that has a flat, decent rubber, weather proof sole. If you don't have anything like that perhaps look around in the skiiing, camping shops.

  11. Well insulated, water repellent/waterproof, with good tread on the soles, mid calf height.

  12. i suggest you buy shoes that have non slip soles has for boots make sure they have spikes at the bottom wouldnt recommend suede has they are not good when its wet  has for high heeled no its far to dangerous  due to snow and icy conditions.

  13. Out of the ones you have, I;d go with the Vans.  I like wearing snowskate shoes in the snow and slush.  They are waterproof and have an ankle gaiter to keep the snow out. They are as comfortable as skate shoes, and aren't as big and bulky as boots.  You will also have the right shoes if you get a snowskate.

  14. Go bare foot


    Phew . . .

  15. Snow Boots. I have some, they are like walking boots, waterproof, breathable and have a warm lining. But best of all is a thin aluminium membrane in the sole which reflects the cold back to the ground.

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