
What are the best make of pointe shoes??

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What are the best make of pointe shoes??




  1. There isn't a best.  It is what is best for you. There are many different styles and brands. Depends on what works best for you foot and how you dance.

  2. There is really no best pointe shoe. It depends on the person. Each person's  feet are different and they feel confortable in differnt brands of shoes. I personally like capizio. beacuse i have a wide foot. but i know people who like bloc (can't spell it) they have a thinner base. Look online on dance store sites or search pointe shoes. You'll find many options. I would recomend not buying them online beacuse if you go to the store you get perfesional help and you get to try all different types. ask around for the best dance store in your area. Good luck if you need any more help you can email me at

    love ya-KAT

  3. It totally depends on your feet. There are so many different kinds of shoes. They vary from hard shanks to soft and so on. Grisko, Bloch, Gaynor-Minden are common brands of my students. However, in order to make sure the shoe fits you properly , I would go to your local dance supply store and get fitted by someone with experience. Once fitted, take them back to your instructor for a 2nd opinion. Don't sew anything until then. GOOD LUCK!

  4. In the past, I've used Bloch (very sturdy), Grishko (also sturdy), and I tried Capezio. Capezio seems to work for a lot of people, but your foot has to be the right shape. I'm not too sure about Sansha pointe shoes.

    I personally use Freed shoes, but I just like having a softer shank. If you're a beginner, you may want to go with Bloch or Capezio. Ask the people who work in your local dance attire store because they will know what is right and what is wrong for your foot :]

  5. Poste or Poste Mistress

    check out

  6. Everybody is different...

    Grishko works best for me because they are the only ones that are slinder enough.

    Capezio is rather good for tiny feet.

    Like I said...everybody is different and every dance has a different foot with a matching pointe shoe style.

  7. I dont think anyone can say there is a best make of pointe shoe because everyone's feet are different so all the shoes fit different. If you go to a dance shop and try lots of different makes you will find the best one for your feet and the one you find easiest to dance in. Hope I helped :D

  8. No one can answer this question for you, it depends on your feet and how you dance., you need to go to a dance shop, and get properly fitted, it is so important to get the right shoes , i can't stress how important it is.

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