
What are the best methods to prevent car-jacking when the car is parked?

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What are the best methods to prevent car-jacking when the car is parked?




  1. The "club" for the steering wheel is a waste of money. The club can't be cut but the thieves just cut the wheel and slip the club off. Only takes a minute or so. However there is a device that's sold at some parts stores and on the web which slips under the dash and fits over the brake pedal. When it's locked down there's no way to release the brake and it's almost impossible to cut it off. No thief is going to waste time on it. Use one on my classic Mustang.

  2. I assume when you said "car-jacking" you meant car theft. Two easy options....put a quick disconnect on the battery so it won't turn over or put a switch to interrupt the power to the ignition. The car will turn over but won't start. No car thief will waste time looking for the problem.

  3. Dont be IN the car when they steal it...that way it`s not "Car jacking" its just theft.

  4. Move out of the slums and into a respectable community.

  5. hire the biggest baddest *** dude on the bloack to watch your car!

    Honestly there is no foolproof way. Being in the business like I have, I can start any car anytime anywhere.

    If you are really worried, just pay for the lowjack system that tracks the car.

    You could club the car, but if its a car someone wants, guess what, I can pull the steering wheel off nay car with a few minutes and throw a pair of vice grips on the spindle and drive off.

    I love the guys that steal the 80's and 90's gm products. They break the coluum all apart when all they have to do is snip one rod on the collum and push it to start the car. then you grab the steering wheel on the upper left, pull upwards real hard and with your right hand, smack the steering down on the right. This will snap the oring that holds the toother steering wheel lock allowing it to come up enough to steer the car. In aprox 1 minute I can drive one of those cars off.

    OH, dont mistake my ealier statement, by "business" I mean that I have owned a few shops and a couple towing companies where I repossess cars. Knowing how to take cars is part of the repossession process!

  6. "the club"    millions sold worldwide, and they are cool!

  7. If you find a unfamiliar face around your car, then dont approach it till such time the face doesn't disappear.

  8. Stay Away from Dangerous Areas.  Some cities have known high crime areas - stay away from these locations.  

    Stay Aware and Alert.  Always be aware of your surroundings.

    Doors and Windows.  Lock your car doors and roll up the windows.  

    Avenue of Escape.  Always plan for an avenue of escape.  Have a direction to drive should a carjacking attempt begin.

    Cell Phone.  Keep your cell phone handy and have some emergency numbers already pre-punched in.

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