
What are the best natural treatments for depression?

by Guest61356  |  earlier

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i heard about healthy diet and exercise, also about St. John's Wort. They don't seem to be effective. Any other suggestions?




  1. 5HTTP, niacin, selenium, amorym, st john's wort

  2. What is causing your depression?

    Low self esteem?


    Feeling sorry for yourself?

    Give this a try

    Write 3 things that you are grateful for each day like not living in Rangoon or in China where the earthquake happened.

    That you can read and write there are 1,000,000's of people in the world that are unable to.

    That you have food to eat 1,000,000's that stave to death.

    If you have lose change in your pocket you are in the top 25% of rich people in the world.

    Material things do not always give you pleasure for once you have attain the things you wish for you tend to lose interest and  you look for some thing new.

    The thing to strive for is happiness.when you get depressed try and remember something in the passed that made you feel happy.GOOD LUCK

  3. 1) A quality multi vitamin

    2) Sunlight or 4000IU of vitamin d3


    4)Stress reduction

    5) A clean diet

    6)High dose Gotu kola and Ashwaghanda for neuron repair, cortisol reduction, and anxiety and depression

    Studies back up everything I wrote.

    check out for studies

  4. try  taking some omega 3-6-9 vitamines even try having some fish now and then. omega vitamines help with brain functions and can help with depression.also try vitamine D.  if that doesn't help then u may need some help froma phsyciatrist or a prescription.

  5. Depression is usually just repressed anger and other feelings.  Just start letting yourself have your feelings - that doesn't mean acting on your feelings and going raging around or anything.

    Massage is really good for helping depression.

    See a good psychologist.

    Try the emotional freedom technique.

  6. not sure if these approaches are natural or not, but here goes: cognitive behavioral therapy, sleep deprivation, gradual cold showers, light therapy

  7. make sure to get enough exercise, sleep, and keep stress levels down. also St John's Wort works for depression. I would see a therapist and a doctor to check for any health problems relating to the problem. B vitamins are essential for brain function, so make sure to get plenty of those!

  8. Usually doing something that will cheer you up, something that you enjoy doing like reading,listening to music is better then any pill treatment out there. But if you feel this won't work then i suggest trying omega like the last person

  9. Try to find out what is the root cause of the depression, if it is a temporarily kind of thing than it is fine, as everyody will experience it in life. If it is serious, then perhaps you want to take a look at this page, for this natural remedies called Relora, as it may help. Also take a tour at as it contain useful section on health related subjects under their article section.

  10. Iodoral or Lugol's Solution with vitamin c.

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