
What are the best non-military measures to take against a rogue state?

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What is the best way of dealing with a country for which the international community disapproves?

Please be specific rather than saying 'sanctions'?





  1. Leave them alone

  2. Whole countries citizens are not become rogue at a time,unless any or some other country doing bed deed to them.A group of people are imposing there wrong policies on whole country.

    UNO should be Strong and fair to all,and all the members make it strong and fair,they should follow the decision of UNO.If week and poor country get the Justis and support from others countries,than no any bed people group can lead the state to rogue.

    If every one feel secure and get Justis,than no problems arise.


  3. The USA for example is not a law abiding state and no one knows what to do.

  4. PRAY for the poor b------s who have to live under this kind of rule,  for the triumph of evil it only takes a good man to do nothing.

    appeasement cost millions of lives in WW11! it doesn't bloody work!

  5. you say no sanctions and non military measures I don't think there is much left, talking to them has proven nothing. Ask Obama he has a cousin Odinga he knows alot about rogue state!!!!!

  6. Economic sanctions and isolation were able to force South Africa to do away with apartheid. Economic means can do wonders, whether it is denying trade or offering incentives.

  7. Ask hitler

    he got austria that way

  8. if you are talking about Zimbabwe, the only solution is military I'm afraid, if you look at the figure head Mugabe, he is manipulated by at least 6 or more bigger despots in his generals, you will not sanction them out of power, and as soon as this crisis is sorted another will emerge. Africa as a continent cannot manage itself, it doesn't have the intelligence to control its economy its exports it manufacturing, or whether to feed the starving or get the income from bio fuels.

    The west gave Africa back to the Africans after it ravished it but they cannot cope with it, and the poor are always the first to die,

  9. Put  loud  speakers  everywhere  and  play  Bee Gee's  records  day  &  night.......That  will  do  it

  10. you can make uncooperative governments comply with international treaties. most "rogue" governments tend to cooperate unless they have motives to act against international interests,  unless it is USA, which cannot be made to comply by any means whether its pollution emissions quotas or weapons production.USA is actully the only country on the planet , which avoids actively international treaties and cannot be made to comply with any requirements

    google international law and United Nations

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