
What are the best options for going back work after having a baby?

by  |  earlier

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I have a nine month old baby and me and partner are struggling to pay the bills so i want to go back to work my problem is the childcare costs i feel like I'm stuck in a rut.




  1. Hello

    Firstly are you from the UK?

    If so once you have a baby you will be entitled to tax credits. They will pay up to 80% of your childcare costs (although that depends on you and your partners earning because we only get 50% childcare paid for) anyway im going back to work in November for 2 days a week (my boyfriend works full time).

    We wont be left with that much after childcare costs come out but its still something and we couldn't afford it if I didnt work at all.

    In the UK you cant be a childminder without qualifications like you can in the USA.

  2. I'm a single mom with a 7 week old baby & I just came back to work this week. You can apply different places to see if you can get help with daycare costs. Unfortunately, they told me I make too much to qualify but thankfully my job is so great that they are paying for it all for me.  

  3. I have a few suggestions:

    Yes you can do daycare from home. I thought about it but it just truly isn't for me!

    I found a job working from home that unfortunately hasn't started yet so my plan hasn't taken affect yet. But I am supposed to be doing medical transcription. Medical billing is another hot one.

    You and your hubby can work opposite shifts to cut down on daycare costs.

    Or you can find out if your area has a center based Early Head Start program. I'm waiting for a slot to open to hopefully get my daughter enrolled. This program is free and for me the hours of operation are great for a part time job. That way I can bring in extra money but not feel like I'm shoveling it right back out the door.

    Also try to find something close to home (if you decide you need someting outside the home) to save on gas costs! Good luck

  4. you should try babysitting ot of your home. that way you will be at home with your child and you will be making money on top of it.

  5. you could get a part time job and work off hours so that you don't need child care....that way your hubby could watch the baby when you are at work and vice-versa, but if you work part time you will still see each other and be able to spend time with each other...that's what my hubby and i are planning on doing!  best of luck!

  6. I have a 9 month old too and she has been in daycare since she was 4 months old because I wanted to return to work. My sister had a baby at the same time I did and we decided to get a nanny together. The nanny we got could only do 3 days a week which was fine for us because they go to daycare for 2 days.

    Do you have a family member or close friend that stays at home? Maybe they could look after your baby for a a small fee than a daycare would cost. Or maybe you could look after children? Then you could look after your baby and get some money in. Just some suggestions. Hope it helps.

  7. We've found a lovely nursery for our son to go to while i go back to work part time.  

    Some of the childcare costs you will incur will be paid back to you through child tax credits.  The government want more mothers to return to work, and this is the way to encourage them.


  8. well you could work a night shift or overnight. or do daycare at your own house.  

  9. If you do not have any family that is able to help out consider working part time then your partner is not working.

  10. Try part time work to start. Daycare costs less if you have the child go only half days or 2-3 days a week. Also if you are looking for a job try looking for daycare assistance from the government.

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